Featured Artist: Telepopmusik (Angel Milk)

Who doesn’t enjoy a smooth downtempo album from time to time?
While this album isn’t new at all, I still find it wildly enjoyable on a calm day.

Télépopmusik is a French electronic trio, composed of Fabrice Dumont (bassist of the pop band Autour de Lucie), Stephan Haeri (also known as “2 square” for his solo projects), and Christophe Hetier.











Personally, I enjoy downtempo and lounge music more than rap, but that’s my opinion. I originally stumbled across Telepopmusik from Pandora when the song “Breathe” caught my attention. It was downtempo I’ve never heard before, and I instantly fell for it. Soon after, I purchased their albums and have been hooked ever since.. Best one is Angel Milk my friends.

That was back in 2005.

Now you can find the band touring, and from the look of their website, they’ve been quite busy.


Angel Milk













– Trev